50 Artist Date Ideas

Artist dates are a wonderful way to nurture your creativity and explore new avenues of inspiration.

In a previous blog post we discovered what artist dates are, how they make us more creative and how to start implementing them. These dates are all about curiousity, and finding inpsiration in new ways.

They don’t always have to be engaging in a creative activity, sometimes they can bea walk through the park to clear your mind and let your well be filled up.

In this blog post we’re bringing you 50 Artist Date ideas to take the guesswork and confusion out of planning them.

Take the one you feel most drawn to, and schedule it into your week now. Or, if you’re feeling spontaneous, pick a number between 1 and 50 and immediately go do the Artist Date that corresponds to it. Enjoy!

  1. Visit a local art gallery or museum

  2. Take a nature walk

  3. Attend a live performance, such as a play or concert

  4. Explore a new neighborhood with your camera

  5. Join a pottery or sculpture class

  6. Attend a poetry reading

  7. Visit a botanical garden

  8. Take a dance class to express yourself through movement

  9. Attend a workshop on a new art technique

  10. Watch a foreign film

  11. Go on a photo scavenger hunt in your city

  12. Visit a flea market or thrift store

  13. Take a day trip to a nearby town and explore

  14. Watch an old movie such as Sabrina or Roman Holiday

  15. Create a playlist of inspiring music and listen while creating

  16. Have your own ‘paint and sip’ night

  17. Visit a sculpture park

  18. Explore street art in your city

  19. Take a cooking or baking class

  20. Visit a historical site

  21. Attend a book club meeting or literary event

  22. Experiment with a new art medium you haven't tried before

  23. Take a train or bus to a nearby town and journal on the way

  24. Read in the park

  25. Create art inspired by your favorite book or poem

  26. Attend a workshop on mindfulness and art

  27. Take a hot air balloon ride for a unique perspective

  28. Join a life drawing or figure drawing class

  29. Visit a science museum for inspiration

  30. See the sunrise or sunset

  31. Explore a farmer's market

  32. Attend a cultural festival to immerse yourself in diversity.

  33. Take a day to organize and revamp your space

  34. Try your hand at digital art or graphic design, I espcially love Canva for this

  35. Participate in a community art project

  36. Attend a lecture on art history or a specific art movement

  37. Create art inspired by a childhood memory

  38. Take a boat or ferry ride

  39. Attend a comedy show

  40. Try making your own jewelery

  41. Try some abstract painting

  42. Visit an antique store

  43. Explore a local park

  44. Take a class on digital animation or stop-motion

  45. Host a themed art night with friends (e.g., vintage, abstract)

  46. Visit a planetarium and create art inspired by the cosmos

  47. Join a local art club

  48. Attend a workshop on creative journaling

  49. Explore a nearby beach and collect shells

  50. Follow along with a Bob Ross video

I hope you found inpsiration and that an idea called out to you.

Now you have the idea - act on it! Schedule it into your week right away to explore your curiosity and creativity.


What Are Artist Dates?