Books For Creativity: Exploring The Best Reads

Creativity is inherent in all of us, whether we believe ourselves to be creative or not. We express ourselves in different ways, including art, music, writing, and even the way we dress. However, sometimes, our creative juices run dry, and we need inspiration to reignite them. Luckily, there are numerous books about creativity that can help you tap into your creative potential. In this post, we will explore some of the best books on creativity, including their unique approaches to inspire and motivate you.

The Artist’s Way

The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron is a book that has been inspiring creatives for over two decades. The book is a twelve-week course that aims to help readers unblock their creativity and discover their true selves. Cameron uses a combination of techniques, such as free writing, morning pages, and artist dates, to help readers tap into their creative potential. The book has a spiritual undertone and encourages readers to view creativity as a way of connecting with something greater than themselves.

Big Magic

Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert is another excellent book about creativity. The author explores the idea that creativity is a force that exists independently of us and that we can tap into it if we're open to it. The book is a mix of memoir, self-help, and guide to creativity. In her signature voice, Gilbert shares her own creative journey and offers insights and advice on how to overcome fear and self-doubt, find inspiration, and pursue creativity with joy and curiosity.

The Multi Hyphen Method

The Multi Hyphen Method by Emma Gannon encourages you to embrace your multi-hyphenate nature - the idea that you can have multiple careers and interests simultaneously. The author offers practical advice on how to combine your passions, skills, and experiences to create a fulfilling career. The book's central message is that you don't have to stick to one career path, and that you can leverage your diverse interests and skills to create a unique creative identity. Whether being a lawyer-painter-parent, or teacher-baker-writer, our creative lives don’t have to be divorced from our professional ones. They can, and should, exist together.

Steal Like An Artist

Steal Like An Artist by Austin Kleon is a book that challenges the notion of originality. The author argues that creativity is not about coming up with something entirely new but about taking inspiration from the world around us and putting our unique spin on it. The book is full of practical advice on how to find inspiration, generate ideas, and cultivate a creative mindset. Kleon's writing style is witty and irreverent, making the book an enjoyable read.

The War of Art

Steven Pressfield’s The War of Art explores resistance and how it can sabotage our creative endeavors. The author argues that resistance is an internal force that prevents us from pursuing our dreams and that we must overcome it to create anything of value. The book is a mix of philosophy, self-help, and motivation. Pressfield offers practical advice on how to identify and overcome resistance and how to develop a mindset that supports creativity.

Creative Confidence

Creative Confidence by Tom and David Kelley teaches us how to build our confidence in creativity. The authors argue that creativity is not a gift reserved for a select few but a skill that can be developed and nurtured. They offer practical tips and exercises to help readers overcome their fears, embrace their creativity, and develop their problem-solving skills. The book is an excellent resource for anyone who wants to develop their creative potential and become more confident in what they can do.


Creativity is an essential aspect of the human experience, and there are numerous books on creativity that can inspire and motivate us to tap into our creative potential. In this post, we explored some of the best books on creativity, including The Multi Hyphen Method, Big Magic, and Creative Confidence. Each of these books offers a unique approach to creativity, and they all share the belief that creativity is within reach for everyone. Whether you're an artist, writer, musician, or simply someone looking to develop their creative potential, you're sure to find valuable insights and inspiration in these books. All you have to do is pick it up and start reading.

If you liked this post and your creative pursuits tend towards creative writing, you’ll love this post on 5 Books for Budding Writers.


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