Writing Prompts Inspired By Spring

Spring is the season of growth, renewal, and new beginnings. It's the perfect time to get creative and start writing. If you're feeling stuck or in need of inspiration, writing prompts can help spark your creativity. In this blog post, we'll explore some writing prompts that are perfect for the wonderful season of spring.

Journal Prompts For Spring

  1. Have a look around your space. What areas of your home, and what areas of your life, are need of a spring clean? What will you throw away?

  2. Spring is about new beginnings. When have you found yourself having to begin again or start something new? How has that experience shaped who you are now?

  3. Write about a specific place in nature that you find beautiful or inspiring. Consider what makes this place special to you. How does it make you feel? What memories are attached to it?

  4. Write a memory of spring.

  5. “Spring is the time of plans and projects.” - Leo Tolstoy

    What goals or bucket list items would you like to check-off your list this season?

Leo Tolstoy quote saying "Spring is the time of plans and projects."

Writing Prompts For Spring

  1. Write a short story set during Spring Break in Miami, using one of these three genres: romance, mystery or science fiction.

  2. Imagine a world where spring never ends. What does this world look like? How do the people who live there feel about it? Write a story set in this world.

  3. Persephone is the Greek Goddess of Spring, known for being Hades’s Queen of the Underworld. Write a version of this myth from Persephone’s perspective. You can read about her story here.

  4. Write a poem from the perspective of a seed becoming a flower.

  5. Imagine spring as a person. Describe them, and chart a day in their life.

Spring is a season of growth and new beginnings, making it the perfect time to start writing. These writing prompts can help you tap into your creativity and explore the themes of the season, from finding out which parts of your life need a good spring clean, to writing a story set during spring break. Whether you're a seasoned writer or just starting out, these prompts are sure to inspire.

Be sure to check out the other posts in the seasonal writing prompts series.

Interested in getting further into the spring mood? Check out my favourite books for spring below!

A Touch Of Darkness - A modern fantasy retelling of the Hades x Persophone myth set in a glittering city.

A Court Of Thorns And Roses - A mortal woman finds herself in a Land of Spring, surrounded by Fae and a terrible curse.

Pride & Prejudice - Because spring always makes me want to read regency romance.


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