How To Build A Good Writing Habit

Do you wish you could be a regular writer? Have you got a novel planned out in meticulous detail in your head but never find time to actually write the thing?

In this post I’ll teach you 5 ways to implement a writing habit that are so simple that it’s harder not to do them.

Just Do Two Minutes

“When you start a new habit, it should take less than two minutes to do.”

This comes from James Clear’s book Atomic Habits which teaches you how to build good habits through small, consistent habits.

One of the most important things you can do to build a writing habit is to start small. This means committing to just two minutes of writing each day. While two minutes may not seem like a lot, it is a manageable goal that you can easily achieve.

By starting with just two minutes of writing each day, you can build momentum and increase the amount of time you spend writing over time. This tip is all about viewing yourself as someone who write, and small, yet consistently done snippets of writing will get you there.

Set a timer for two minutes, or use a handy-dandy sand timer, open your notebook and write as much of your story as you can for two minutes.

I highly recommend Atomic Habits for building writing habits, as well as habits in every other area of your life. You can purchase it here.

Use A Habit Tracker

One effective way to build a good writing habit is to use a habit tracker. A habit tracker is a tool that allows you to track your progress and ensure that you are consistently working towards your goals. There are many habit tracker apps to do, or you can find a planner or calendar to tick of as you go.

An added tip is to combine a habit tracker with a writing goal, such as writing for 30 minutes each day or writing 500 words per day. As you complete your writing sessions, you can mark them off on your habit tracker. This can help you stay motivated and accountable.

Reward Yourself

Another way to build a good writing habit is to reward yourself for your progress. Rewards can be a powerful motivator, as they provide an incentive to continue working towards your goals. You could try rewarding yourself with something small, such as a piece of chocolate, for each day that you write.

Alternatively, you could set up a larger reward, such as a weekend getaway, for when you reach a major writing milestone, such as finishing your book.

Make It Obvious

Another key to building a good writing habit is to make it obvious. This means creating a clear and visible cue that reminds you to write.

For example, you could set up a writing area in your home or office that is specifically dedicated to writing. This area could include a comfortable chair, a desk, and all of the necessary writing tools.When you enter this area, you will be reminded that it is time to write.

You could also try leaving your writing materials out in a visible location, such as on your kitchen table. This will make it more likely that you will see them and be reminded to write.

Schedule Writing Time

Finally, one of the most effective ways to build a good writing habit is to schedule it. This means setting aside a specific time each day or week for writing. You could try setting a goal to write for 30 minutes each day before work or before bed. Alternatively, you could set aside a few hours on the weekend to write. By scheduling your writing time, you will be more likely to stick to your routine and make progress towards your writing goals.

It’s important to treat this time as an appointment, as non-negotiable, otherwise you will be tempted to skip it for something else. One way others have build a habit is that every time they skip their habit-building appointment they have to do something they really don’t want to do, such as donating to a politician they hate.

Building a good writing habit is an important step towards meeting your writing goals. By starting small, using a habit tracker, rewarding yourself, making it obvious, and scheduling your writing time, you can develop a consistent writing routine. Remember, it only takes two minutes to get started. So, why not start today? With practice and perseverance, you can become a better writer and achieve your writing goals.


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